Custom Kernels on Debian

  1. Download a kernel tarball from and put it in a new directory and extract
  2. Install the ‘kernel-package’ package
  3. If you’d like to make any modifications, do so and run ‘make-kpkg –initrd kernel_image’ (with sudo or fakeroot if you’re not root) in the root of the kernel source
  4. It will base the configuration on your running kernel and prompt for new features/drivers/etc. If you’re unsure or don’t care about a question, just press enter.
  5. After the process is complete, you’ll have a brand new kernel package one directory up. All you need to do is install it using “dpkg -i”. It will create an initramfs image and add it all to GRUB for you in the postinst scripts.
  6. Reboot to run the new kernel.
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Cakephp related tables show id’s instead of values

Whenever CakePHP automagically fetches lists from your tables, it uses the idkey for the value and the $displayField for the text.

If your table has a name or title field, CakePHP automatically displays it as the display field. So, either rename the field that you want as your display field (say, candidate_name to just name) or set the $displayField variable in your model:

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