Solid State Drive (SSD): optimize it for Ubuntu, Linux Mint and Debian


BIOS and UEFI: set it to AHCI


Reserve 10 percent for overprovisioning

General opinion used to be, that it's wise to reserve as much as 20 to 25 percent of the storage capacity of an SSD for such unallocated space. 


After the installation: noatime

7. With "noatime" in /etc/fstab, you disable the write action "access time stamp", that the operating system puts on a file whenever it's being read by the operating system. For an SSD "noatime" is much better.

You can do that as follows:

a. First make sure that you have installed the applications gksu and leafpad:

Click on the grey Ubuntu logo (Dash home). Query: terminal
Click on Terminal.

Type (or copy/paste): 
sudo apt-get install gksu leafpad

Press Enter and submit your password. Please note that the password will remain invisible, not even asterisks will show, which is normal.

b. Then type in the terminal (use copy/paste):
gksudo leafpad /etc/fstab

Press Enter.

c. Now add "noatime" to the line for your root partition and your other Linux partitions. Not to the line for the swap partition!

An adapted line may look like this:
UUID=f0ae2c59-83d2-42e7-81c4-2e870b6b255d   /   ext4 noatime,errors=remount-ro   0   1

Note: this is one line, not two! It might appear to be two lines (dependent on your screen size), because of the length of the line.



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