Linux list a KVM vm guest using virsh command

Use the following command to list a kvm vm on Linux based server:
# virsh list

To list inactive & active VM/domains:
# virsh list --all
Here are all other options:

Option Description
--inactive list inactive domains
--all list inactive & active domains
--transient list transient domains
--persistent list persistent domains
--with-snapshot list domains with existing snapshot
--without-snapshot list domains without a snapshot
--state-running list domains in running state
--state-paused list domains in paused state
--state-shutoff list domains in shutoff state
--state-other list domains in other states
--autostart list domains with autostart enabled
--no-autostart list domains with autostart disabled
--with-managed-save list domains with managed save state
--without-managed-save list domains without managed save
--uuid list uuid’s only
--name list domain names only
--table list table (default)
--managed-save mark inactive domains with managed save state
--title show domain title


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