yum clean all
yum list all
yum update
yum clean all
yum list all
yum update
Certainly I hope that we should be able to fix your problems rather than force you to downgrade, I have a couple things which I would certainly do in such case.
1) package-cleanup –problems
2) package-cleanup –cleandupes
3) rpm -Va
4) LANG=C find /usr /etc -exec rpm -qf ‘{}’ ;
|grep ‘is not owned by any packages*$’
(rinse, dry, repeat until there is nothing seriously wrong in any of these report — don’t bother about changed times, *.rpm{save,orig,new} and such things, but missing files are problem; the last test requires most time and most judgement to decide what’s wrong, but to be 100% sure everything is all right, I found it necessary after one very broken upgrade to F9 Beta).